Fast TRAC  đźŹŽď¸Ź
A Parameter-free Optimizer for
Lifelong Reinforcement Learning

Aneesh Muppidi1, 2
Zhiyu Zhang2
Heng Yang

1Harvard College
2Harvard SEAS


Code & Experiments



A key challenge in lifelong reinforcement learning (RL) is the loss of plasticity, where previous learning progress hinders an agent's adaptation to new tasks. While regularization and resetting can help, they require precise hyperparameter selection at the outset and environment-dependent adjustments. Building on the principled theory of online convex optimization, we present a parameter-free optimizer for lifelong RL, called \(\textbf{TRAC}\), which requires no tuning or prior knowledge about the distribution shifts. Extensive experiments on Procgen, Atari, and Gym Control environments show that \(\textbf{TRAC}\) works surprisingly well—mitigating loss of plasticity and rapidly adapting to challenging distribution shifts—despite the underlying optimization problem being nonconvex and nonstationary.

Try TRAC in your lifelong or continual experiments with just one line change.   

Lifelong RL suffers from Loss of Plasticity

In lifelong RL, a learning agent must continually acquire new knowledge to handle the nonstationarity of the environment. At first glance, there appears to be an obvious solution:   given a policy gradient oracle, the agent could just keep running gradient descent nonstop. However, recent experiments have demonstrated an intriguing behavior called loss of plasticity [1,2,3,4]: despite persistent gradient steps, such an agent can gradually lose its responsiveness to incoming observations.

Suprisingly, in this non-convex setting, online convex optimization can help.

\(\textbf{TRAC}\) combines three parameter-free Online Convex Optimization (OCO) techniques: direction-magnitude decomposition, additive aggregation, and the \(\text{erfi}\) potential function. The algorithm starts with a base optimizer, \(\text{Base}\), and adjusts a scaling parameter, \( S_{t+1} \), in an online data-dependent manner. This parameter affects the update of \(\theta_{t+1}\) as shown:

\[ \theta_{t+1} = S_{t+1} \cdot \theta_{t+1}^\text{base} + (1 - S_{t+1}) \theta_\text{ref}. \]

The decision rule for the tuner uses the \(\text{erfi}\) function to calculate \( s_{t+1} \) as follows:

\[ s_{t+1} = \frac{\epsilon}{(\text{erfi})(1/\sqrt{2})} (\text{erfi})\left(\frac{\sigma_t}{\sqrt{2v_t} + \epsilon}\right), \]

This rule applies the \(\text{erfi}\) function, an imaginary error function, to tune the scaling parameter based on the input \(\sigma_t\) and the running variance \(v_t\). Aggregating the outputs of tuners with different discount factors allows \(\textbf{TRAC}\) to adaptively scale based on algorithm performance without manual tuning.

Experimental Results

Combining our proposed methods above, we get a consistent improvement in various VQ-based tasks, including generative modeling and image classification. The figure below is generated using MaskGIT* framework for CelebA. OPT refers to both alternating optimization + synchronized commitment loss. Refer to the main paper for additional results, including image classification.

(*Note: MaskGIT was trained without perceptual and discriminative loss to reduce training and memory overhead.)

Try our PyTorch code

For full examples using VQTorch with AutoEncoders and classification models see here.

Install our code [github]

      >>> git clone
      >>> cd vqtorch
      >>> pip install -e .
Integrate to your existing PyTorch code base.

        import torch
        from vqtorch.nn import VectorQuant

        # create VQ layer 
        vq_layer = VectorQuant(
                        feature_size=32,    # feature dimension corresponding to the vectors
                        num_codes=1024,     # number of codebook vectors
                        beta=0.98,          # (default: 0.95) commitment trade-off
                        kmeans_init=True,   # (default: False) whether to use kmeans++ init
                        norm=None,          # (default: None) normalization for input vector
                        cb_norm=None,       # (default: None) normalization for codebook vectors
                        affine_lr=10.0,     # (default: 0.0) lr scale for affine parameters
                        sync_nu=0.2,        # (default: 0.0) codebook synchronization contribution
                        replace_freq=20,    # (default: 0) frequency to replace dead codes
                        dim=-1              # (default: -1) dimension to be quantized

        # when using `kmeans_init`, a warmup is recommended 
        with torch.no_grad():
            z_e = torch.randn(1, 32, 32, 3).cuda()

        # standard forward pass 
        z_q, vq_dict = vq_layer(z_e) # equivalent to above

        >>> (1, 64, 64, 32)



Minyoung Huh would like to thank his lab members for helpful feedbacks. Minyoung Huh was funded by ONR MURI grant N00014-22-1-2740.

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